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Kirjoittanut: "Masi"
« : 9.06.2022 kello on 15:00 »

Silta on suljettuna lauantai 2.07.2022.

The bridge is closed from 1 PM to 6 PM

On Saturday 2 July, the bridge will be closed in both directions between 1 PM and 6 PM, and we recommend that you as far as possible drive in the days before or after.

Be aware that the motorways leading to the Great Belt Bridge can be blocked as early as kl. 12.30 for traffic safety reasons. The motorways will be blocked at Nyborg V and at Slagelse V.

If it is not possible for you to find alternative travel days, you can find out about the traffic on the Danish Road Directorate's traffic map.

In Le Grand Départ's press release you can read much more about all three stages and their significance for traffic. Read it here at (danish only).


Also visit Le Grand Départ's interactive traffic information site, which is a whole universe full of important information about traffic on the day.

The traffic universe is both for those who want to watch the race and for those who need an overview of where you can and cannot travel during the three Danish stages of the Tour.