tässä näitä vikalistoja:
Ilmeisesti tuosta koodi numero 46:sta on kyse
46 s,s,l,s,l,l,l,s 1) Control panel Combi or power
selector switch Combi E defective
2) Combustion air motor or
circulating air motor defective
3) Battery earth to the minus
terminal Combi defective
Jos se tuo on niin ei kovin mukavia korjauskehotuksia anna:
1) Replace Combi control panel /
or cable
- Replace power selector switch
Combi E and or control unit
connecting cable
2) Replace circulating air motor
3) Check earth connection
(ground cable) of power supply
Ilmeisesti tuosta koodi numero 46:sta on kyse
46 s,s,l,s,l,l,l,s 1) Control panel Combi or power
selector switch Combi E defective
2) Combustion air motor or
circulating air motor defective
3) Battery earth to the minus
terminal Combi defective
Jos se tuo on niin ei kovin mukavia korjauskehotuksia anna:
1) Replace Combi control panel /
or cable
- Replace power selector switch
Combi E and or control unit
connecting cable
2) Replace circulating air motor
3) Check earth connection
(ground cable) of power supply