
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Hopea kalsium akun lataus.  (Luettu 7091 kertaa)

  • Karavaanari
  • Aiheen aloittaja
  • Viimeksi paikalla: 6.11.2022 kello on 15:12
Hopea kalsium akun lataus.
« : 24.07.2015 kello on 20:08 »
Näyttää siltä että hopea kalsium akku tarvitsee hieman korkeampaa latausjännitettä tullakseen täyteen => 14.8V.
Ilmankos omani ei ollut vielä olleet koskaan aivan täysiä...nyt on. :o

Juttua aiheesta englannin murteella:

Fordeja koskeva juttu Yuasa akun valmistajalta;

Yleensä hopea kalsium akusta.

Battery Centre needs the Battery University

Posted on 20090617 by Grumpy Old Techie
About two and a half years ago Battery Centre sold me me a silver calcium battery for my car. According to them silver calcium batteries are the best thing in lead acid battery technology since Gaston Planté made the first one in 1859.

They are probably right and most new cars will be fitted with one and the battery should last 3 to 5 years. If you have an older car things are not that simple. If your older car was fitted with a “hybrid” or plain lead acid battery originally, you will find that a silver calcium battery will probably not give you the life expected from it.

Today my expensive silver calcium battery gave up the ghost completely at least six months before its time after about two weeks of nursing and nightly additional charging.

Being a techie I did not sit idle during the two weeks and did a bit of extra research about car batteries. Most people that have dealt with car batteries know that your car’s lead acid battery is not really 12 volt but 12.6 volt and you need about 14.2 to 14.4 volt to properly charge it. If you use too low a voltage to charge the battery it will never get a full charge and too high a voltage will cause the battery to gas and lose electrolyte (water). A too low charge will also cause something called acid stratification as well as sulphation in the battery causing it to fail sooner than expected.

Unlike normal lead acid batteries, silver calcium batteries need 14.8 volt to properly charge. This means if your car wasn’t fitted originally with one its charging system will never fully charge a silver calcium battery because the charging system is set to 14.4 volt not 14.8 volt. Guess what happens? Yes your’e right, the silver calcium battery dies a premature death due to sulphation and acid stratification.

Battery Centre will happily sell you an expensive silver calcium battery and even tell you it is not really a problem because the battery will simply run in your car with a slightly lower charge. ( They happily neglect to tell you that sulphation and acid stratification is a problem when you operate a battery continuously in a state of low charge. To be fair it does get a mention elsewhere on their site but not where they are punting the silver calcium batteries.

Dodgy marketing practices on their website is probably par for the course but Battery Centre’s staff really should think long and hard about dismissing a customer as ignorant when he tells them he doesn’t want a silver calcium battery because it is not the correct battery for his car. Anyway the proper battery was R200 cheaper at Midas accross the road.

Read all you ever wanted to know about batteries at


Että silleen. Thumb
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.07.2015 kello on 10:18 »

  • Karavaanari
  • Viimeksi paikalla:eilen kello 21:41
  • Ukki
Vs: Hopea kalsium akun lataus.
« Vastaus #1 : 24.07.2015 kello on 21:24 »
Henkilöautossani on hopea-kalsiumakku ja sen lautausjännite on pakksella yli 15v. En oikein näe tuossa järkeä, miksi pitää olla akku jota ei saa täyteen tavallisilla erillisillä latureilla.

  • Karavaanari
  • Aiheen aloittaja
  • Viimeksi paikalla: 6.11.2022 kello on 15:12
Vs: Hopea kalsium akun lataus.
« Vastaus #2 : 24.07.2015 kello on 21:34 »
Omassa sekarotuisessa n. vuoden vanhassa MB/VW kulkineessa ei latausjännite nouse milloinkaan yli 14,5V ja tuohonkin vain hetkellisesti. Yleensä lukema näyttää 12.2V - 12.3V , joten käytännössä vajaaksi on jäännyt molemmat "patterit" .Vasta nyt kun laitoin pari A-paneelia katolle ja Tracer BN-sarjan 20A/150V MPPT säätimen, josta pystyy mm. latausjännitettä muuttamaan erillaisille akuille sopivaksi, jopa Lithium akuille. No nyt tämän jälkeen on akut tulleet oikeasti täyteen. 

Ps. mm. Ctek:ltä löytyy älylaturia joka pystyy lataamaan nuo täyteen.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.07.2015 kello on 10:46 »